Friday, April 25, 2008

From the Website

Retired Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama’s 20-year pastor, said criticism of him was “unfair” and “devious,” and done by people who know nothing about his church. But, his comments have dragged Democrat Presidential nominee wannabe Obama into a storm raising questions about his judgment.

The criticism that Wright refers to was sparked by his proclaiming from the pulpit “God damn America” for its racism. He accused the government of flooding black neighborhoods with drugs and of creating the AIDS virus to kill blacks and branded the country as the KKK of America. Wright’s remarks are the subject of an interview on taxpayer funded PBS’s Bill Moyer’s Journal to be broadcast Friday evening.

Apparently Barack Obama’s pastor has launched a campaign to resurrect both their tattered images. Wright’s campaign to save the campaign for the Democrat Presidential nomination of Obama seems ill-advised and poorly considered because it will pull the lid off the issue of Obama’s 20-year relationship with Wright.

In a March 18 speech in Philadelphia, Obama described the history of injustice that fueled Wright’s comments, while also condemning his pastor’s statements and acknowledging white resentment of African-Americans. Asked his response to the senator’s speech, Wright said, “He’s a politician, I’m a pastor.”

Political commentators on Friday’s Good Morning America, that broke news and showed excerpts from the Moyer interview said Obama’s people must be “tearing their hair out” because of Wright’s campaign. That seems to be a fairly general consensus.

Wright is scheduled to speak Sunday at a Chicago NAACP Dinner and Monday at the National Press Club in Washington. Wright’s campaign comes as GOP Presidential nominee Senator John McCain is arguing with the North Carolina Republican Party over its ad excoriating Wright and Obama for his connection to him. The TV ad is scheduled to run Monday, ahead of the state’s crucial May 6 primary. A narrator in the spot says, “He’s just too extreme for North Carolina.” McCain has asked local officials not to run the ad, but the state GOP said no.

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